Peinture sur céramique image de header

Painting on ceramic

Painting on ceramic

In our café, we offer ceramic painting activities. What sets us apart? We avoid standard pieces and instead offer a selection of unique ceramics, handmade by local ceramicists.

How does it work?

The pieces we offer are handmade by ceramic artists, because we like to showcase their work. All you have to do is choose the piece and the colors from our selection and paint it to your liking. Once the piece is complete, our team takes care of the two firings and the transparent glazing. The ceramic painting activity takes place during café-boutique opening hours, and is suitable for young ones as well as adults.


All materials required for the café céramique activity are provided: colors, brushes, masking tape, small instruction sheet, etc. Prices range from $38 to $54, depending on the piece chosen.

Made in Quebec ceramics.

Here are the pieces currently available. We try to update this page regularly, but depending on how busy we are, some pieces may be sold out by the time you visit.

Duo de coeurs

Tarif: 25$ pour 2 coeurs

Gobelet coeur - CUPIDON

Artiste: Hugo Didier
Tarif: 38$


2 formats: grand et petit
Tarif: 19$ (p), 28$ (g)

Coffee cup - Hugo

Artist: Hugo Didier
Price: 38$

Tall cup

Artist: Hugo Didier
Price: 45$

Cappucino mug

Artist: Dompierre
Price: 48$

Round plate - LOUIS

Artist: Hugo Didier
Price: 38$

Tall mug - JACINTHE

Artist: Jacinthe Brind'Amour
Price: 48$

Bowl - ELSA

Artist: Jacinthe Brind'Amour
Price: 45$

scalloped bowls

2 different sizes

Large scalloped bowl - STEPHANIE

Artist: Goye
Price: 54$

Cup - ORI

Artist: Oriana Ivaniuta
Price: 42$

Large mug - BILLIE

Artist: Jacinthe Brind'Amour
Price: 48$

Tasse droite - Romain

Artiste: Hugo Didier
Tarif: 45$

Gobelet haut - Céline

Artiste: Parceline
Tarif: 50$